We offer nationwide shipping on all products. Once your order is processed, you will receive a tracking number to monitor your shipment. Standard shipping times vary depending on your location, but typically orders are delivered within 5-7 business days.
For international orders, additional shipping fees may apply, and delivery times can vary. Please contact us for specific rates and expected delivery dates.
If you’d like to exchange your product for another model or size, we allow exchanges within 14 days of receiving your order. The item must be unused, undamaged, and in its original packaging. Contact our customer service team to initiate the exchange process. You are responsible for return shipping, and the cost of the new item will be processed as a new order.
In case of any delivery issues, such as incorrect or damaged products, please contact our support team within 7 days of receipt for resolution. We will assist you in resolving the problem, whether by replacing the product or offering a full refund.